Music Monday: Jocelyn Alice’s Playlist
Listen! It’s Vetrano artist-to-watch, Jocelyn Alice takes over my Spotify account to curate a list of songs that make this singer groove and move while she prepares the release of her debut EP. Stream her playlist below and read a bit about why she chose them. And then, when you’ve gotten through them all, hit that repeat button on her single “Jackpot,” which is out now! LIV Presents… Jocelyn Alice’s Playlist Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out: This beat is so sick! I love how clever the lyrics are. It’s nice to see a song that really says something hitting so hard. Amy Winehouse – You Know I’m No Good: Amy is the reason I began…
Ariana Grande Is A Dangerous Woman
Ariana Grande dropped her new single, “Dangerous Woman,” last night. The sultry new single is the title track from the singer’s third album and the follow up to the poorly received debut song “Focus,” which came out late last year. Fans and critics slammed the highly anticipated single, comparing its sound to the likes of a thrown out track from Christina Aguilera‘s Back To Basics era. Grande quickly took to social media to let fans know that the track is a departure from the rest of the upcoming album and that a new one would surface soon. Early this year, the singer announced that she was back in the studio and changed…
March Music: Spring Has Sprung
The weather has started to take its highly anticipated turn towards the sun. Patios are filling up with anxious people, ready to throw on their shorts and flip-flops and enjoy an icy cold beer in the sun. And though my allergies are worse than ever, the warmer air makes me want to drop the windows and pop the top with a fresh playlist of March music to kick off the Spring. With new tunes emerging from some of my favorite divas like Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson and Adele, and fresh new talents like Maren Morris delivering ideal music for road trips, this Spring is filling up with plenty of tunes to wet your musical…
Nashville Notables: Stephanie Waring, Juice Nashville
Having just coming off my fourth 3-day juice cleanse from Juice Nashville, feeling better than ever, it’s only fitting to feature Music City’s healthiest hot spot. Stephanie Waring and her plethora of cold pressed juice blends are taking the Tennessee community by storm. As the first local juicery in town, Juice Nashville is more than just a place to grab the healthiest, most delicious cold-pressed goodness. Waring and her team of friendly faces are creating more. They’ve created a juice community that is growing by droves. Most of my trips to Juice Nashville’s location in The Gulch consist of grabbing one of my favorite cold beverage blends (Sing, Hot Stuff and Snap are…
It’s 2016, Don’t Give Up
The start of 2016 has been such a whirlwind, so I apologize for the delayed holiday greetings! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season, shared with your friends and loved ones. I spent mine in Nashville, relaxing, reflecting and preparing for another year. In the final hours of 2015, a lot of very exciting and memorable life moments took place and set me up for, what I am sure is to be, the best year yet. It’s been a long time since I confidently felt that everything was coming into place. Now, I can. I am excited about the future for the first time in a long…
Fat Jeans
You know it, you loathe it. That dreaded moment when you reach in the back of your closet to grab the fat jeans you’ve been saving “just in case”. Then a few weeks later you realize that those fat jeans have suddenly become your skinny jeans. “Wait! Did I set the dryer too high?,” I silently convince myself. You’ve been there, right? Tell me I’m not alone in this. After a holiday filled with inappropriately shoveling food in my mouth as if my goal was to balloon up well beyond my goal weight, it’s time to put down the baked goods and carb overloaded delights and fit comfortably into my…
Best & Worst of 2015
Another year has come and gone. I don’t know about you, but 2015 was a crazy year for V for Vetrano. I spent most of it enjoying Nashville’s blossoming metropolis, continuing my fight to find balance between professional and personal and adding new faces to the growing LIV community. I learned a lot about myself this year [cue Ozzy Osbourne‘s “Changes”]. I started new jobs and ended old ones. Made new friends, while saying goodbye to others. And made life changing decisions that impact my future. While most of 2015 left me unsettled, hopping from one thing to another, the year’s final hours have turned out to be the best few weeks of the entire year and have…
Bernstein Cares: The Year of No Sugar
A few months back, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon an account called @YEAROFNOSUGAR. The owner of the account, 17-year-old Phoebe, explained in her first post that based off of her experiences with the Whole30, [read here] and after having read the memoir by Eve O. Schaub, also entitled Year of No Sugar, she decided to recreate the project herself. No added sugar of any kind for an entire year. (Yes, this includes, honey, maple syrup, agave…everything.) At first, I thought, “Huh. That’s really impressive. I don’t even think I could do that…” Then my next thought was, “Of course I could do that. If a 17-year-old high school…
Music Monday: Chris’ Pop Christmas Playlist
It’s that time of year — Christmas is here! All week long, we’ll be spreading our fa-la-la-la-la’s and decking the halls to celebrate the nation’s biggest holiday of the year. Growing up, Christmas was less about the shiny packages and gifts under the tree. Instead, it’s always been about the music. The spirited, joyful, and often cheesy, music. As a child, I couldn’t wait (and often didn’t) for an appropriate time of year that I could pull out my Christmas albums and get into the holiday spirit. I was fascinated by the songs that every pop star wanted to sing — each, of course, with their own musical spin. Pop stars,…
Carrie Underwood’s Heartbeat
It’s December (already!) and, while the panic that I’ve yet to do any Christmas shopping has officially set in, things got a lot less stressful when I got a peak at the new Carrie Underwood video for Storyteller‘s second single “Heartbeat.” This former American Idol, who has always had a special place in my heart, always stuns with her perfect vocal and show-stopping looks in her catalog of gorgeous videos. “Heartbeat” is no exception. Although, it could be considered the most “exception-al” of the bunch. Underwood, who dances around under the “harvest moon” in her bare feet, has never looked better in this drool-worthy video. Featuring only her and set to the scene she paints in…
Feys The Music: Eh, It’s Fall. Fine.
Joe Feys is Nashville designer and Listen! It’s Vetrano contributor, regularly writing his column ‘Feys Lift.’ This week, Feys steps into the driver seat of ‘LIV’ regular series Music Monday to share some of his favorite songs of the moment. As the playlist title not-so-subtly suggests, I’ve finally accepted the change in seasons. With the fall and winter months ahead, I have compiled some of the songs that are helping ease the pain of the colder temps. From the upbeat new single from Justin Bieber to my favorite new track from Carrie Underwood‘s latest Storyteller, this playlist has something for all. I am sharing my latest obsession Foxes and a oldie, but goodie with an…