Hashtag Blessed
Hey guys, gals and undecideds! It’s me, V for Vetrano. I can’t believe all that’s happened since my last check in with y’all (I’m so Nashville, right?!).
I hope you’ve been enjoying the new content coming atcha regularly on the site. I’ve been a busy worker bee getting the new Listen! It’s Vetrano launched these past few months: new videos, new blogs, new contributing writers and even more fun things in the works (yes, it’s possible) … stay tuned!
In our first official month, we’ve already seen more than 10,000 sets of new eyeballs from all over the U.S. stop by to see what’s cooking on the site. I can’t believe it! I’m feeling “hashtag blessed” by your support and love. For those of you new to the site, welcome! Please look around, make yourself at home and don’t forget you can share your thoughts about everything you find here in the comments sections below the posts. I expect to cause lots of controversy there. 😉
For those that have been with me for years (on the previously titled blog Tragic Kingdom), hi again. Let’s make some new memories and show the newbies around, shall we? In case you need a little refresher yourself — I promise I won’t judge, a lot has changed — let me break down what’s new on LIV and give you a little preview of what’s to come.
We’ve welcomed a number of new contributors to the site, who are bringing their unique voices, opinions and personalities to the site in cleverly named columns. Let’s break them down.
- Joe Feys – The Nashville architect, interior designer and foodie brings his expertise to the site in his appropriately titled column ‘Feys Lift‘. See his latest post featuring Nashville’s best dining meets ambiance options here.
- Amanda Valentine – A nationally recognized fashion designer, celebrity stylist and Project Runway runner up, V for Valentine (get it?) brings her brand of doling out advice in the new LIV advice column ‘#AskAmanda‘. You can see her first prescription for a few readers here.
- Gary Bradshaw – A local mystery in Nashville’s dating scene, Bradshaw conceals his identity so he can brilliantly retell hilarious stories of his online dating conquests, mishaps as he searches for love in Music City. Get to know more about the anonymous writer’s story in his first submitted piece “Waking Up” here.
- Anna M’Queen – Fronting the newest superstar electronic-pop act Five Knives is tough work, but lead singer Anna M’Queen finds time to share her views and opinions on… well, whatever the hell she wants in her LIV column ‘All Hail M’Queen‘. The singer breaks down her controversial fashion sense in the first entry of the column here.
As if that isn’t enough, there’s even more contributors currently working on their first entries for the site, who will be revealed and introduced soon. Ahhh… I’m seriously so happy to be building my little family of Vetrano-ites (that can be a thing, right?).
So now that we’ve covered some of the changes to ListenItsVetrano.com, what else?
Starting next week, the Listen! It’s Vetrano YouTube channel returns with all new and revamped episodes of the online series. I have a lot of exciting guests, games and fun in store for the channel, so if you’re not already subscribed, do that now so you don’t miss out (you can click here to subscribe). Have a question for one of your favorite celebs? Tweet them to me and they may end up in an upcoming episode, you never know who will stop by the Vetran-a-loft.
Are you exhausted yet? Cause I am. Besides the new shiny toys listed above, I’ve been working on additional (“top secret”) projects that will launch later in the Summer! I’m so excited to start sharing this new content with you all and am so honored that you’ve chosen to stick with me as a go-to source for all things music, food, Nashville and random bitchiness. (Hashtag Blessed).
As always, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram for daily updates on all things happening with Listen! It’s Vetrano or to stalk me on the reg. I’ve always wanted a stalker. But a friendly one, not like Single White Female style. On second thought, don’t stalk, but do connect on all places social and web-worthy, so we can stay in touch.
That does it for now, I’ve got work to do. Until next time, I’m V for Vetrano and I’m out.
Want me to follow you on Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr? Reply to a post on any or all of the social sites with “#HashtagBlessed” and I’ll follow you back!