Accessories to Make Your Life Easier
We live in a world of abundance, so it makes sense that there are hundreds of accessories out there that have been created to make our busy lives just that little bit easier. No matter who you are, we all forget things, make mistakes from time to time, or mess up somehow. In addition, there are many ways we can simply make out lives more convenient or efficient. There are things for travelling, for everyday use, or some things that are a little more niche. Whatever speaks to you, there are so many accessories, and we want you to take a look at a few, to get some ideas on how to make your life easier:
Instant Pot Ultra
For anyone who wants to avoid hours of slaving away in the kitchen, the Instant Pot Ultra could be the accessory for you. It is a pressure cooker that allows you to steam and slow cook with ease. All you simply have to do is fill your Instant Pot Ultra with the ingredients you need, and instead of waiting hours, it is ready in just twenty minutes. What could be more convenient than that!
Hear us out, bracelets are known as freeing accessories, laid back, and they can be the difference between dressing up and dressing down. However, they can also save your life, and be that unwitting accessory you need to make your life easier. You may be wondering what types of bracelets can do this. Well, here is a brief list. Medical ID bands have been worn for years; they have dramatically changed and become very stylish. Your Medical ID bracelet can complement your look and become something you would love to wear, not something you feel you have to wear every day. A medical ID band is a quick and easy way to communicate to a first responder that you have a special requirement, medical condition, or even a food allergy!
Magnetic and Copper batteries can stimulate blood flow, relieve Arthritis and get natural pain relief. The magnets work to increase blood flow, which in turn increases oxygen-carrying capacity. This helps you to feel more alert, energetic, and even less tired and stressed!
Even Disco beads have a fantastic reflective cat-eye nature, meaning that they will keep you seen at night when car headlights shine on you. Disco Beads may not seem like lifesavers, but they can help in all sorts of situations, from popping a Disco Bead Charm on your dog collar to keeping your pet safe to wearing them yourself to make sure nobody loses you.
Plant Sticks
If you like to have a potted plant in the house, but sometimes struggle to keep them alive, then you need to buy a Miracle-Gro Spike. The spike is great because it contains food and nutrients that are specially formulated to keep your plants not just alive, but healthy too. They have the ability to keep feeding your plant for around two months. So, if you have the best of intentions but manage to kill your plants, or if you plan on travelling for a few weeks, then you need to get some of these.
Wearable Nail Varnish Holder
This is great for anyone who enjoys polishing those nails on the go or just simply has trouble gripping that nail polish while colouring. The wearable nail varnish holder is like a ring and is placed over either your middle and index fingers or middle and ring fingers and is made of a rubbery material, with a sort of egg cup-shaped design. It allows you to slip your nail polish inside the cup easily, so it grips and then all you have to do is wear it until all your nails are done.
Motion Activated Lights
No, we are not talking about security lights here. Although they can be very useful at keeping burglars at bay, we are talking about lights in those dark places inside your home. The motion-activated lights are LED and are small, battery-operated and can be placed pretty much anywhere, like inside a drawer or in the bathroom, to prevent those middle of the night toe stub injuries.
External Hard Drive for your Phone
Everyone has a smartphone and, at some point, pretty much all of us will run out of space. Well, if you get a backup iphone to external hard drive you will no longer have this problem. We all know we can’t make the internal storage larger, but that does not mean we have to delete photos or videos or stop using messaging software. Just simply plug in the external hard drive and transfer over all your images. That way, they are safe and protected, and you have got some space back to continue chatting away.
Microwave Cleaner
We all know that cleaning the inside of the microwave can prove a difficult and unforgiving task. Some of that sauce just won’t go away without a good scrub, which isn’t always easy when you’re worried about the innard of your machine. Well, anyway, your solution comes in the form of Angry Mama. She is basically doll shaped, and you add vinegar and water to her, then pop her in the microwave for seven minutes. Steam comes out of her head, the reason why she seems so angry, and this steam is what softens all that dirt inside your microwave. All you then need to do is wipe it away. So it’s something a little fun, unusual and quite funny at the same time.
Migraine Relief Stick
If you suffer from migraines, then you know how debilitating they can be. Well, with the migraine relief stick, you can carry about some relief wherever you go. It smells good with mint and essential lavender oil, which relieves tension as soon as that migraine hits. All you java to do is roll it on the back of your neck, and your forehead and temple, and then it will offer you some relief. What’s more, the stuck has been specially formulated to not leave a sticky residue. So that’s a huge bonus too.