
Let’s Talk About Fishing

Today, we are going to take a look at fishing. Discover more about one of the most common species, as well as how to keep water healthy if you have a stretch for fishing.

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The carp is a freshwater fish found throughout Europe and Asia. It is one of the most popular species when it comes to freshwater fishing. The species has been domesticated and farmed for food since Roman times, whereas the remaining wild populations are thought to be vulnerable to extinction.

The carp for sale will invariably be domesticated and bred especially, not so much for food anymore, but as a source of sport for anglers across the country. Interestingly, in the USA particularly, the carp is often viewed as an invasive species that is destroying populations of other fish because it competes aggressively with them for food sources. If you ever land a wild carp, the main differences between this and a farmed fish will be size and appearance: the wild fish does not grow to the lengths and weights achievable by domesticated fish. They can survive in most conditions, including over-wintering in a frozen body of water, provided there is some free flowing water beneath the ice. However, for successful growth and breeding, they prefer higher temperate conditions, with the ideal being around 23oC to 30oC. They will generally thrive in lakes or rivers with slow-moving or standing water. Omnivorous, they will eat the vegetation growing within water, but their preference is small insects, crustaceans, and other living creatures, which they will scavenge for in the sediment at the bottom of lakes and rivers.

Top Tips For Keeping Bodies Of Water Healthy

Carp farms supply fish to private individuals and groups for restocking their fishing waters. This could be a stretch of river, a natural or man-made lake, or a length of canal. One of the beauties of the carp is that it’s a hardy fish and can thrive practically everywhere.

But once you have taken delivery of the carp you have purchased from carp fish farms, are there any steps you should take to maintain healthy fish? Firstly, keep the water oxygenated. Introducing the right kind of aquatic plants can assist with this. Be careful with invasive, fast-growing species, though – these can quickly take over and become a negative rather than a positive.  Next, test the quality of the water regularly. Testing kits are available that will help you monitor the levels of nitrates, nitrites, and phosphates in the body of water. These occur naturally as a result of fish waste products and dead and decaying plant material, but can have an adverse effect on your fish if left to build up. Finally, make sure that you do not overstock your lake. While anglers may think that the more fish there are, the better, in fact, there is often an optimum number. Too many fish in the volume of water you have available can lead to decreased oxygen levels, and additional fish waste can result in a build-up of ammonia and nitrites. There are online calculators available that can assist you to work out the ideal number of fish you could host; alternatively, take specialist advice from an expert.