
Alexis Ryan Reads Poetry

It’s Thursday, so that means it’s time for another edition of Listen! It’s Vetrano‘s weekly web series. This week’s video is exciting because you get to meet my fabulous and talented friend Alexis Ryan. Alexis is a jack of all trades –fitness guru, loyal friend and burlesque beauty— who’s always up for a laugh. Those that know her, know of her special ability to deliver dramatic retellings of events, articles and stories.

It was over the Fourth of July weekend that the new “Alexis Reads” series was born, when Ryan showed up with a poem that her mother had found in an old notebook from her childhood. My group of friends roared with laughter as she shared her 15 year old thoughts with us in a way that only Alexis could. As the tears streamed down my face, I realized that this had to be a new feature on Listen! It’s Vetrano.  I ran the idea by “Lex” and we immediately got to work coming up with all kinds of fun ideas for the channel (subscribe now).

In this week’s video, Alexis shares what she penned when she was 15 years old in the most dramatic and serious way possible one could be reading a poem entitled Solitude Succession. If you think that’s confusing, wait until you hear the rest of this masterpiece. (Spoiler Alert: #CreamyMiracles)

Watch “Alexis Ryan Reads Poetry” now in the video above and don’t forget to let us know what you want to see Alexis read next time in the comment section below. Subscribe to LIV’s weekly web series by clicking this link here.