Winter Woes? Why Not Head Off For Some Sun, Sea and Sand!
Some people find the colder months really enchanting. And admittedly, there’s something magical about changing leaves, cosy nights in and the countdown to Christmas. But for others, as soon as the autumn rolls around they find themselves instantly missing the summer. Maybe you’re a sufferer of seasonal depression, or perhaps you really just can’t stand the dark mornings, dark evenings and drizzly days! If that’s the case, heading off for a bit of winter sun is no bad idea. Here are some things to bear in mind if you’re considering taking the plunge.
Can you get the time off work?
The festive period tends to be a busy time for most businesses, and with just seven weeks to go, you’ll first need to find out if you can get the time off work. If you can’t get more time off over Christmas, January is a great time to book a winter getaway. Prices are rock bottom, and you get to have fun in what’s otherwise normally a dull and depressing month. It will give you something to look forward to once Christmas is over, and can give you the boost you need to get through the worst of the year’s weather.
Think about Christmas presents
If you’re going to be away over Christmas, one thing to bear in mind is Christmas presents. If you’re traveling with your partner for example, will you give them their gifts before you leave, when you return or will you pack them and give them to them on the day? If you’re leaving before Christmas, you’ll need to make sure anything you order as gifts is timed right. You don’t want a load of parcels turning up at your house when you won’t be there! With festivities and a holiday to plan, it makes sense to be as organized as possible.
Keep it cheap
Again, because of Christmas, most of us tend to be pretty spent out over the winter months. For this reason, you’ll want to keep a winter getaway as cheap as possible. Look at last minute deals, as well as sites like Wowcher and Groupon which are great for bargains. Don’t go crazy on buying things like new clothes, use what you already have or shop smart. For example, reversible basketball jerseys can be worn two different ways and will save space in your suitcase too! If you have a box of sample products that you’ve been saving to travel with, you could raid this rather than spend money on toiletries.
Consider pets
Usually when you go away, chances are you take your dog or cat to be boarded at a cattery or kennels with no issues. However, you’ll need to check the opening times and dates over Christmas. Chances are everything will be fine, but it’s something to think about with it being a busier time of year. You might need to book early to avoid disappointment, or find another place to board them if your usual one isn’t available.