Happy Holidays!
Well, it’s that time of year again. Time to pack up a bag full of goodies and make the trek, along with the millions of others, to see the family. This year I am headed to Montana for some holiday cheer and home cooked meals. And if I know my Montana family, my holiday will consist of plenty of quality time with my three favorite wise men: Jim, Jack, and Jose. While away, I will be preparing my list of top albums and singles from 2010 – get ready because this year was a doozy.
I wish you all a very Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! To put you in the holiday spirit, check out a couple of videos from some of Tragic Kingdom’s favorite artists, Neon Trees and Matt Morris. My bags are packed, my tickets are printed, and, after I give a quick peep show to the TSA personnel, I am on my way! Cheers!