Turn Back Time
Hey guys, gals and undecideds, V for Vetrano here on the first day of November!
If you’re like most of the population, you probably “whooped it up” last night for Halloween and might be praying for the pounding in your head to stop. And if the night’s scares didn’t end until the wee-hours of the morning, you may not even be reading this until tomorrow (or next week, for that matter).
Me, on the other hand? I stayed in. With a busy Sunday Funday ahead to celebrate my birthday, I opted to skip the costumes and candy this year. Part of me loved the alone time to catch up on my writing and start my new book [Tyler Oakley‘s Binge]. The other part felt a little sad. Sad that my love for the spooky holiday has gone away. Sad that as I grow older, I don’t feel the excitement for the tricks and treats I once did. As a kid, I couldn’t wait to hit the streets with my friends to fill my pillowcase full of sweet delights. In college, I traditionally marked my hand for every drink or shot I drank on Halloween night (28 was my max). And yesterday, I just waited for it to end.
“Is Halloween a child’s holiday?,” I wondered to myself.
As I browsed the sea of costume-related photos on Instagram and Facebook that my friends endlessly posted throughout the night, I realized that perhaps it’s just not a holiday for me anymore. Or for right now, at least. Once I have my own little ones running from house to house dressed as their favorite Disney-Pixar character, I’m sure I’ll find a lot of joy in the holiday again, but for now I’m focused on the day ahead. My birthday.
Today, I’m excited to gather with my friends for brunch and cocktails to celebrate turning another year older tomorrow. Some will probably show up with last night’s costume still somewhat applied (my friend’s, ya’ll), while others may bail altogether due to their extreme hangover. Either way, I am happy to start another year here in Nashville, with a fresh perspective and a clear mind. Clear of the ghosts and goblins of the past, that is.
This year ahead is going to be filled with many firsts and lots of exciting adventures that I’m anxious to share with you, here on Listen! It’s Vetrano. So for those that had a fun-filled Halloween, I’m glad and I hope it was safe… and please share your photos with me on Facebook or Twitter. And while I didn’t partake in last night’s fun, I promise there is a lot to come. Who knows, maybe next year I will turn back time and find the joy in the scariest night of the year, but for now I’m ready to celebrate me and the year I have ahead.
And speaking of turning back time, don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour today for Daylight Savings!
The (almost) Birthday Boy