
Forever Our Girl

The news that Paula Abdul will not be returning to Idol has the world in a frenzy! Past Idol contestants have turned to their Twitter accounts to express their best wishes to the past pop diva. Kris Allen, Chris Sligh, Danny Gokey, Brooke White and more have tweeted their sadness upon hearing the news that a contract could not be reached for between Fox and Abdul. Carrie Underwood even chimed in by saying, “Going to miss Paula on Idol! :(“.

So, who’s replacing Paula? With the audition segments being taped in the next few weeks, Idol execs had to move fast. So, while they look for a permanent replacement there will be guest judges. Confirmed to fill in for the pill-popper are Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham and Katy Perry. Producers for the show have said they hope to have a permanent judge in place by January when the show goes live. Vicky B in Denver?? Please say it’s true!!

Even though Victoria would be our vote for a full time replacement – twice a week would make for the perfect dose of her May-Jah-ness! (we can already see the world catching on to her beautiful catch phrase) – it seems Idol may be eyeing Natalie Cole or Diana Ross. Diana Ross? Looks like they are looking for another cup of crazy!