5 Things To Make 2018 Count
At the start of every new year, we’re motivated, ready to take on our resolutions to make this year better than the last. “Make 2018 count!,” I can almost hear me telling myself. But, more often than not, at least for me, those goals don’t differ from year to year. If you’re one of those overachievers that nail your resolutions year after year, stop reading and continue doing exactly what you’re doing. It’s probably working.
For the rest of us, we need help; we need focus. As we dip our toe into April, there’s a good chance those “resolutions” we made in January are likely already a thing of the past. Don’t lie, you know you’ve cheated on all of them by now. And that’s okay. I am right there with you.
Every year I promise myself that the year in front of me is going to be all about me — eat better, drink less and seize every opportunity that comes my way to make sure that life certainly doesn’t pass me by. But then here we are and I’ve lost little to no weight, drink regularly and wondering how in the world it’s already April.
I’m done setting resolutions to lose weight or work out more. I set and break those goals almost every other week! Starting now (yes, I know it’s April), I’m setting resolutions that will take me to the next level, not only professionally, but in my everyday life too. So, if you too want to make 2018 count, start here.
5 Things To Make 2018 Count
1. Create balance
Finding balance is something we all strive for, and often we fail. The key to balance is scheduling and time management. Get yourself plugged into a calendar system (planners, Google calendar, etc.) that works best for you and schedule everything from work meetings and development time to grocery shopping, happy hour and face masks. Scheduling your time with this kind of will create routines that allow for more balance between work and social.
2. Try something new
I am guilty of never breaking out of my comfort zone; saying no to the things I’m sure I won’t like. “I mean, I tried it once 20 twenty years ago… I can’t possibly like it now.” I bet you do this, too! So instead of saying no, what if you gave yourself five (just five) chances to say yes to the things you would never have said yes to before?
You may surprise yourself and actually like it. Regardless of the outcome, I promise it will leave you with a lasting memory. And memories made are the best way to make 2018 count.
3. Change one bad habit
It’s no surprise that bad habits are what hold you back from accomplishing the things you resolved to do this year. That’s why you resolved to fix them, right? Except when you resolve to ‘lose weight,’ but hate exercise, eat anything you want and spend too much time in front of the TV, there’s a lot to correct to get to your resolve. So start small. Change one bad habit and pat yourself on the back.
Make 2018 count by accomplishing one small change in your life that has a much bigger impact long term. For example, spending less time watching TV could mean you’re more active, which leads to that ultimate weight loss goal. You can do it!
4. Allow yourself to grow
Growth is essential. Not only in your professional life, but in your daily life too. In fact, it’s probably the single most important thing on this list.
When we get too comfortable with status-quo, we don’t push ourselves to the limit. So, challenge yourself.
Start with self-reflection on a regular basis, focusing on where you need to improve and what you need to change to get where you’d like to be. Then push yourself out of your comfort zone. Try going to a movie or a restaurant alone. Take up a hobby that you wouldn’t usually think you could do. Conquering it will help you believe you can do anything. Because you can!
5. Be yourself
Live your most authentic truth. The time spent pretending to be anything else is wasted. You might be surprised what you can accomplish by just being true to you.
Every successful person has earned their right to success. They braved the journey, they climbed the mountain. They didn’t give up and you shouldn’t either. So no more excuses! Don’t let another year go by wishing you’d done more with the time given. Make 2018 count, you can do it!