
Listen! It’s Vetrano!: What the GIF?

I have a confession. I’ve been a little behind with letting you in on some of my favorite new musical picks, but it’s for good reason (and I promise it’s not only because I recently became obsessed with Homeland and have been feverishly catching up). There’s been tons of new music hitting my ear drums, but unfortunately I am unable to share it with you quite yet.

If you’ve been following my Instagram or Twitter feeds lately you may have seen that I’ve been hanging with some of the raddest people on the planet. Though the details of our late night expeditions are better kept under wraps – until my inevitable “tell all” memoir is released of course – I can tell you there is some seriously delicious ear candy coming your way this year from artists like Five KnivesJoshua Scott Jones and Cassadee Pope.

Seriously. I am obsessed with some of the new music these artists have been putting together for their upcoming releases and I know you will be too. But until I can tell you more about that obsession, let me share with you another.

I mean, W.T.GIF? It seems like everywhere you turn these days a GIF of a drunk housewife, booty-popping popstar or a scene from your favorite show is making it’s way around the internet.

And this is one trend I welcome with open arms! Okay, okay, so I might be taking it too far, having once had an entire text conversation with a friend using only GIFs of scenes from HBO’s Girls and Britney Spears – you can imagine how that went. While thoroughly entertaining, our plans for the evening were quite confusing.

And maybe someday, I’ll look back at this post and think “WTF,” but for now I’m all “What the GIF?”! 

In fact, I love them so much that – until it gets old – I’m going to countdown my fave music related GIFs every week! If there’s one you think I MUST see, send it to me on Facebook or Twitter. So, what are my favorites this week?

The Top 10 







