
The Only Tricks You’ll Ever Need To Smash Your Fitness Goals

Smashing your fitness goals is one of the most satisfying things you can do. However, it’s not always as easy as setting them, going to the gym, and then watching the results happen. You may lose motivation somewhere along the way, as do many people, and knowing what to do in this type of situation is key. Below, you’ll find some helpful tricks that will help you to smash your fitness goals. Take a look!

Set Both Short And Long Term Goals

Make sure you set both short and long term goals so that you can stay motivated. A long term goal might be to lose 24 pounds, while a short term goal might be to go to the gym consistently 4 times a week. The short term goal will help you to reach the long term goal. It’s a good idea to look at them often to see if you need to change anything. 

Make Sure Your Goals Are Realistic 

Your goals should feel realistic to you, especially at the beginning. If you’ve never been to the gym in your life, you probably won’t be able to do your first pull up within the first few weeks. By setting goals that you can achieve, you’ll be more likely to stick with what you’re doing. 

Avoid Overcomplicating Things

Many people get into fitness and quickly get bored of the basics, over complicating things. Don’t do it! Simply focus on getting stronger and fitter. You can build cables at to personalize your workouts in your home gym, but it’s probably not a good idea to buy crazy equipment that you won’t really use. 

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Track Your Progress

If you don’t keep track of your progress, you can find it difficult to stay motivated. Not only that, when you see how far you’ve come, you’ll want to continue doing what you’re doing! Take pictures and do your measurements every few weeks, making sure you write it down. You’ll likely be surprised at how far you come! 

Eat To Meet Your Goals

Eating to meet your goals is a must – it’s more important than working out! You can meal prep to make things easier. It’s also a good idea to get used to tracking. Remember, balance is key. You don’t have to be perfect or deprive yourself, but you should aim for a calorie goal that suits what you’re trying to do, and high protein is usually a good idea. 

Practice Identity Shifting 

If you have fitness goals but you still have an idea of yourself in your head as somebody who is not fit or healthy, you will likely undo all of your hard work at some point. You may have beliefs associated with your identity now, things like:

  • I’m the fat friend
  • I’ve always been big, it runs in my family 
  • I hate running 

Any beliefs you have that are similar to the above go towards your identity. When you change these beliefs, you are far more likely to reach your goals.