
What You Need For An Awesome Hiking Trip

With spring just around the corner, we’re all about to begin planning our vacations, and what better way to take a break than by spending some time in the great outdoors? While some people may be tempted to visit a sprawling city, there’s much fun to be had in packing a bag of supplies, heading somewhere beautiful, and enjoying all the rich and simple pleasures of a hiking trip. But what do you need to ensure it’s as magical as it can – and should – be? We take a look at a few essential ingredients below.


A Beautiful Destination

When it comes to taking a hiking trip, the destination is what counts the most. This is your chance to get into the great outdoors and explore the world at its finest. Don’t settle for a second-rate destination! Where you choose will depend on the type of hiking you like. If you’re more of a “flat trips through the woods” kind of person, then you want to look at upper Michigan or Wisconsin, or up in New England. For a real adventure, though, look West — there’s nowhere on earth that compares to the grandeur of the Rockies, Grand Canyon, or Yosemite and their respective surrounding areas.

A Great Group

If you want to go alone, then go ahead — though first make sure you know what you’re doing so that you stay safe. If you’re going with people, then, for your sake, make sure you’re going with people who are on the same page as you. It’s better to go without anyone else at all rather than with a group who can’t fully get along with! Old friends make the best hiking companions. You’ll have a lot to talk about on your journey, and you already know their shortcomings — basically, the highs will be higher, the lows much more bearable.

The Supplies

You’re going to need certain things in your backpack if you’re going to get the most from your trip! For starters, make sure you take a look at the best hiking sticks and pick one that feels right. It’s going to be your trusted companion every step of the way and is well worth its weight in gold. On the clothes front, you don’t need too many outfits but do need to have clothing that’s appropriate for the weather at the destination you’re visiting. For things like camping supplies and the like (if you are camping, of course), make a list and divide the responsibility of carrying the gear between everyone on the trip.

Where To Stay

Don’t be put off a hiking trip if you don’t want to camp. You don’t need to spend every night in a tent! If you’re in a group, take a look at getting a cabin for everyone rather than individual hotel rooms. There’s nothing better than all hanging out under one roof after a long day of walking. For the best of both worlds, look at tent camping some nights, staying in paid accommodation on the others.